Acupuncture is one of the therapies that are more commonly covered by private insurance. However, you should check with your insurer before you start treatment to see whether acupuncture will be covered for your condition and, if so, to what extent (deductible, co-pay, limitation). Some insurance plans require preauthorization for acupuncture.
Dr. Zhu is in the networks of Alameda Alliance for Health, Medi-Cal that belong to Alameda Alliance, Medi-Cal that belong to Community Health Center Network (CHCN), Medi-cal that belong to Kaiser and BlueCross, Hill Physicians Medical Group, American Specialty Health, Anthem Blue Cross, Blue Cross of California, Blue Shield of California, United Healthcare Insurance Company, Optimum Healthcare, Aetna, Liberty Mutual, Interplan Health Group, UMR, inc. , ChiroMatrics, Cigna Health Insurance, Acu-care, Landmark Healthplan, and many others....


Typically, personal injury cases involve moving vehicle accidents (MVA). Most automobile insurance policies cover acupuncture through "med pay". However, if this is not the case, our team will work with third party insurance or put cases on a lien so that the patient does not have to spend money out-of-pocket.


Our clinic has years of experience in managing Workers Compensation and Personal Injury cases. We work with legitimate work injuries on a regular basis.